Monday, December 30, 2019

The Significance Of Leadership And Leadership - 1526 Words

THE SIGNIFICANCE OF LEADERSHIP AND HOW TO IMPLEMENT CHANGE IN AN WORK ENVIRONMENT Leadership is one of the most important trait to have as a human being. Without great leaders to help instill and create a sense of direction I believe society will be stagnant. I believe there are a variety type of leaders like, good leaders and bad leaders. A good leaders must have several qualities that should not be taken likely and must be able to possess qualities like having good morals, integrity which will enable individual to follow him. In addition to being a good leader, you must have a strong mindset and being able to lead everywhere you go. I am going to be discussing how it is imperative to implement change when you are responsible for an organization. One quality that is important for a leader to have is the ability to change. THE IMPORTANT OF LEADERSHIP: TYPES OF LEADER Effective leaders believes in that individuals have untapped resources, they always seem to unlock the full potential of their subordinates so they can reach a higher thought then possible. There are four type of leaders: Thought leaders, Courageous leaders, Inspiration leader, and Servant leader. A lot of leaders have one or more of these leadership qualities. Thought leaders like the ideal of actual change, they would empower their subordinate to envision new possibilities. Oliver Wendell Holmes said, â€Å"The human mind once stretch to a new idea never goes back to its original dimension†. (Thornton). I believeShow MoreRelatedEisenhower, Kennedy, and the Significance of Presidential Leadership973 Words   |  4 PagesEisenhower, Kennedy, and the Significance of Presidential Leadership When the World War II finally ended, the United States was the most powerful country the history has ever witnessed. 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Transactional Analysis may be another way to measure success in leadership as is trait approach. Animal leaders that tend to shift back and forth between ego states tend to have poor leadership outco mes. If we look again at Dory, Judy, and Skipper we don’t see very many or very dramatic shifts out their adult rational ego state. The traits that correlate with the shifting betweenRead MoreSignificance Of Strategic Value Within Organizations Success922 Words   |  4 Pageswithin organizations can be undesirable. While examining both, practical and strategic value holds specific requirements ultimately helping product quality results. The significance in both creates necessary guidelines on aligning proper etiquette within organizations. In 2007, the author tom McKaskill defined the significance of strategic value within organizations success. McCaskill believes, â€Å" strategic value is created when a buyer extracts greater value from the acquisition that can be provided

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Book Night By Elie Wiesel - 1798 Words

Lance Hair Foster English IV 28 April 2017 Adversity overcame in Night’ The book Night by Elie Wiesel is a novel about a young man s’ journey through the holocaust and all of the adversities he faces and overcomes. It briefly talks about his life prior to he and his family being taken from their homes.The novel then tells us about the awful journey Eliezer, the main character, goes through while being a victim of the holocaust. The book is placed in a holocaust camp for the most part, but it starts off in Hungary which is where Eliezer and his family is from. The story is based in one main concentration camp and towards the end they are forced to go to another concentration camp. . The book talks about everything Eliezer experiences†¦show more content†¦They are hitting the women who will not stop talking about her visions of fire. This is foreshadowing all of the prisoner on prisoner violence that is yet to come. â€Å"One day when Idek was venting his fury, I happened to cross his path. He threw him self on me like a wild beast, beating me in the chest, on my head, throwing me to the ground and picking me up again, crushing me with ever more violent blows, until I was covered in blood. As I bit my lips in order not to howl with pain, he must have mistaken my silence for defiance and so he continued to hit me harder and harder.† (page 64) This is the first time Eliezer himself is subject to violence. He is beaten by the meanest guard at the camp. He was being silent to not seem weak and that lead to him being beaten even worse. He has to overcome this type of beatings every day because of how harsh life in the camps are. They were subject to beatings at anytime that the guards felt they needed to let out some rage. Eliezer is whipped solely because he watches Idek, the Kapo, have sex with a polish girl. He is told he will be whipped much worse if he ever tells anyone what he saw. He is whipped solely because he accidentally walked up and saw something. He had a lot of unfo rtunate physical adversities that he had to overcome. He did survive all of the beatings so far so he has overcome every violent thing that has occurred.Show MoreRelatedThe Books Night, By Elie Wiesel1242 Words   |  5 PagesAugust 2014 The books Night, by Elie Wiesel, and The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, by John Boyne are two intriguing books by themselves. However, when you put them together you gain an improved perspective about the Holocaust. You also get see how people were affected by it, how they reacted to it, and what their opinions were about it. These two books contain many similarities and differences, but they go so well together. Night starts out with the normal life of teenage Elie Wiesel, a Jew in SighetRead MoreThe Book Night By Elie Wiesel988 Words   |  4 PagesThe autobiography Night, begins by describing the main character, Elie Wiesel’s, life before The Holocaust. Wiesel is also the author of this account of a true story. The novel begins in 1941 and is set in the Transylvanian town of Sighet. Wiesel’s family consists of his parents, who’s names are not mentioned in the book, and his three sisters, Hilda, Bà ©a, and Tzipora. They are a strict Orthodox Jewish family and have always followed the traditions and laws associated with being Jewish. His fatherRead MoreThe Book Night By Elie Wiesel4140 Words   |  17 Pagesand wrong to simply be able to make Daisy his after many years having passed), it is hard to find examples of good people in characters within books; much less actual human beings. And yet, there are still good people and virtuous characters in literature and film that give hope for there being a truly good person. In the autobiography Night by Elie Wiesel, the integrity behind Elie’s actions can be seen when he struggles to make life decisions for not only himself, but for his father. The storyRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Night By Elie Wiesel794 Words   |  4 Pages  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Night In the book Night by Elie Wiesel there are many instances where his use of imagery helps establish tone and purpose. For example Elie Wiesel used fire (sight) to represent just that. The fire helps prove that the tone is serious and mature. In no way did Wiesel try to lighten up the story about the concentration camps or the Nazis. His use of fire also helps show his purpose. â€Å"Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, that turned my life into one long night seven timesRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Night By Elie Wiesel945 Words   |  4 PagesElie Wiesel was born in 1928. In his book, Night, which was published in 1955, Wiesel depicts his personal journey through the German concentration camps by the use of his character Eliezer (Sparknotes). At the age of 15, he lives with his family in Sighet, Transylvania (Biography). His father Shlomo is very involved with the community there. Eliezer is deeply engaged in religious studies, being taught by Moshe, an older man in his community who is considered a lunatic by many (Sparknotes). InRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Night By Elie Wiesel907 Words   |  4 Pages In the book Night written by Elie Wiesel was mainly about how a young boy had to suffer the traumatic experience of existence and fatality at Nazis concentration camps. In the book, Elie Wiesel was the character â€Å"Eliezer Wiesel†. Eliezer was a young boy at the age of fourteen who lived in Sighet, Transylvania. During the lead of World War II, Eliezer was an extremely earnest young boy who desired to examine and practice Jewish theology. He also occasionally spent a great deal of time and passionRead MoreThe Book Night by Elie Wiesel Essay2089 Words   |  9 PagesTitle: Night Author: Elie Wiesel Genre: Autobiography Setting: Night takes place in Germany during the Holocaust. The majority of the book is taken place in various concentration camps such as Auschwitz and Buchenwald. Characterization: Eliezer- Eliezer or Elie is the narrator of Night. Elie enters Auschwitz as a teenager along with his family. He stays close to his father and becomes the protector as the book progresses. Elie’s faith is constantly challenged and sometimes damaged in the bookRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Night By Elie Wiesel1216 Words   |  5 Pageswhen I first saw the book. The images that they title brought to my mind is someplace where there is no light, no happiness.When you think of night you clearly think of physical darkness but I think night symbolizes a place without God’s presence, somewhere where there s no hope. The emotions that this title brought to my mind is sadness. Sadness because once you are in the dark there is nothing you can do but wait. Wait on your destiny. The impression that the picture on the book gave me was very vagueRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Night By Elie Wiesel1017 Words   |  5 PagesIn the book Night by Elie Wiesel it says â€Å"human suffe ring anywhere concerns men and women everywhere.† This shows that the world’s problems are everyone’s problems. Everyone has their own responsibilities and when war occurs people tend to take on more responsibility than ever before. The United States is a prime example of making the world’s problems their own. When problems arise people step up and take responsibility. Like in the quote from Elie Wiesel, human suffering really is everyone’s problemRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Night By Elie Wiesel1778 Words   |  8 Pagesthemselves this question, whether they have fully grasped their personality or not, and during that difficult time, even the things you thought you knew about yourself are challenged. In the memoir, Night, the author Elie Wiesel, presents the story of his own time in Auschwitz during the German Holocaust. Elie, being Jewish, was deported into concentration camps in Hitler’s final solution. He underwent such things as witnessing death for the first time, extreme exhaustion, inhumane treatment, and seeing

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Promote Equality and Inclusion Free Essays

Promoting Equality And Inclusion I am writing this booklet to inform all members of staff, adult carers, children and young people about supporting understanding and to raise awareness of equality, diversity and inclusion. Equality and inclusion are moral and legal obligations. As a practitioner you have a role in ensuring that in all aspects of your work every personas given opportunities to thrive and prevent any barriers that may stop them from reaching their full potential. We will write a custom essay sample on Promote Equality and Inclusion or any similar topic only for you Order Now Equality and inclusion are moral and legal obligations. As a practitioner you have a role in ensuring that in all aspects of your work every personas given opportunities to thrive and prevent any barriers that may stop them from reaching their full potential. Diversity. Diversity means difference. People are different in values such as race, religion, beliefs, disability, sex and values. Even though people are different this doesn’t mean they are excluded from society, everyone has similarities such as common interests. ‘Diversity refers to the differences in values, attitudes, cultures, beliefs, skills and life experience of each individual in any group of people. ’(Meggit, C. 011, Page 27) Equality ‘Equality is about creating a fairer society, where everyone can participate and has the opportunity to fulfill their potential’ (London deanery, 2012). Equality does not mean that everyone has to be treated the same. People have different needs and ambitions, every person should have equality of opportunity. Promoting equality should remove discrimination in all of the areas of bullying, harassment or victimization. Inclusion ‘Inclusion is a term used to describe the process of ensuring the equality of learning opportunities for all children and young people, whatever their disabilities or disadvantages. (Meggit, C. 2011, page 27). Children and young people should be able to have the opportunity to do well. This is the opposite to discrimination. Discrimination Discrimination is not treating people equally based on personal characteristics, such as race and colour. Discrimination is usually based on prejudice and stereotypes. A prejudice is a pre-conceived opinion or in favour of something. It is prejudging someone knowing little about them but jumping conclusions because of a characteristic such as their appearance. A stereotype is a person or thing that conforms to an unjustifiably fixed, usually standardised, mental picture. The most common stereotypes are: sex and gender, racial origins, cultural or social background, disability and age. There are two types of discrimination : direct discrimination- This is when a child is treated less favourably than others for example being bullied is direct. ‘Indirect discrimination-this is when a condition is applied that will unfairly affect a particular group of children or young people’. (Meggitt,C (2011) p. 29) Potential effects of discrimination Discrimination prevents children and young people from developing a feeling of self-worth or self-esteem. Being discriminated against can last the whole child’s life. This means that they may not be able to fulfill their full potential maybe in school and in life they will find it hard to form relationships with others such as teachers and friends this is down to the lack of confidence they have from the discrimination and also lack of self-esteem and self-worth. They will eventually believe the stereotype or label they have being given from the discrimination against them and behave in accordance to others expectations and accordingly to the stereotype. The child or young person may feel like they are to blame for their unfair treatment and so withdraw themselves; this may lead to aggression and will prevent children and young people from interacting cooperatively with other children and young people. H ow inclusive practice promotes equality and supports diversity ‘Inclusive practice is term used within education of ensuring equality of learning opportunities for all children and young people whatever their disabilities or disadvantages. ’ (Meggit,C,2011, page 30). We have a diverse population and some of this diversity brings with it a range of social and educational issues that practitioners will need to recognise, understand and work with. All practitioners must work in a way that supports equality of opportunity and promotes diversity and inclusion. This means breaking down barriers that prevent children and young people from fulfilling their full potential. You must challenge all discrimination and follow the laws and policies set in your workplace. Differentiate all activities set to enable all children take part and achieve this is promoting equality, also promote all positive attitudes towards diversity by making sure all that the materials, toys, books and displays reflect the diverse society that we live in. Practitioners Bibliography London deanery available at http://www. faculty. londondeanery. ac. uk/e-learning/diversity-equal-opportunities-and-human-rights/what-is-equality-and-diversity (accessed on the 4th October 2012) Meggit,C. Kamen,T. Bruce,K. Grenier,J. (2011)children and young people’s workforce. 1st edition. London;Hodder Education. How to cite Promote Equality and Inclusion, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Analysis of the Text Art for Heart Sake free essay sample

The title of the story tells the readers that the narration, obviously, will be about some men of art. Moreover, we can suppose that the author would like to say that art’s aim is to eradicate human shortcomings. As for genre of â€Å"Art for Heart’s Sake† we can say that it is a humor story. The problems raised in the story are urgent nowadays – money can buy everything, art is eternal, but everybody values it from one’s own point of view, at the same time not everyone is allowed to realize what real art is. The plot of the story is intricate. It centers on an old man Collis P. Ellsworth who has troubles with his health when his financial transactions end in failure. In order to find for him a new interest Doctor Caswell offers him to take up painting, just for pleasure. And it was a great surprise when Ellsworth’s awful painting was not only accepted for the Show at the Lathrop Gallery, but took the First Prize! In conclusion, the protagonist says that art is nothing, that he bought the Lathrop Gallery, what surely doesn’t coincide with the reader’s expectations. We will write a custom essay sample on Analysis of the Text Art for Heart Sake or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The story is told by the author. He is a person who knows everything about the facts and characters but does not take any part in the action of the story. We can divide â€Å"Art for Heart’s Sake† into three parts. The first one is Collis P. Ellsworth’s life before taking up art. The second part is his â€Å"studying†. And third one is his success. The story begins with the dialogue between Mr. Ellsworth and his male nurse Koppel from which we can see that the old man is very grumpy. He refuses to follow the doctor’s orders. To display the heavy character of Collis P. Ellsworth R. Goldberg uses colloquial words in his speech (â€Å"nope†, â€Å"rot†, â€Å"bosh†). To show Koppel’s irritation the author uses anaphora: â€Å"He won’t take his pineapple juice. He doesn’t want me to read to him. He hates the radio. He doesn’t like anything! † Speaking about the way how R. Goldberg reaches the humor affect we should mention zeugma which he uses: â€Å"All his purchases of recent years had to be liquidated at a great sacrifice both to his health and his pocketbook† In the second part the readers can see Mr. Ellsworth taking up art. His teacher is a young promising student of the Atlantic Art Institute. Retelling the conversation between Doctor Caswell and his friend, Judson Livingston, the author uses represented speech (â€Å"He needed the money. Ran an elevator at night to pay tuition. How much would he get? Five dollars a visit. Fine. †) to show how the young student needs money. These sentences are extremely laconic and dynamic. R. Goldberg uses also elliptical sentences inside this represented speech (â€Å"Ran an elevator at night to pay tuition. Five dollars a visit. Fine. †). Colloquial words and phrases are also can be found here: â€Å"by gum†, â€Å"poppycock†, â€Å"gob† to make the narration more natural. Moreover, the readers can pay attention to the word â€Å"color†. It tells us that the author of the story is American. As for the third part, Collis P. Ellsworth success, the author uses the stylistic device of interrupted speech and aposiopesis: â€Å"Doctor Caswell, exercising his professional self-control with a supreme effort, said: â€Å"Congratulations, Mister Ellsworth. Fine, fine†¦ See, see†¦ Of course, I didn’t expect such great news. But, but†¦ well, not†¦Ã¢â‚¬  We can suppose that the doctor’s first thought was â€Å"It’s impossible† or something like that but he managed to pull himself together and remark in a more polite way â€Å"I didn’t expect such great news†. The story â€Å"Art for Heart’s Sake† is based on the device â€Å"defeated expectancy†. We hope that the passion of the old man for large buyings disappeared but on contrary he bought the Lathrop Gallery, what surely doesn’t coincide with the reader’s expectations. The author method of characters’ portrayal is indirect. From Koppel’s words we can understand that Mr. Ellsworth has a very heavy character. Speaking about Swain the readers see that he is ready to stand the old man’s whims because he really needs money. The controlling idea of the story conveyed by the author sounds like this – you can buy the gallery, but you cannot buy the art itself. I like this story very much because its aim is not only to entertain. It makes us think over things which we cannot buy. So, being externally a humorous story, it arouses more serious problem – problem of eternity and integrity of art.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Of Mice and Men Creative Assignment #11 Essays -

Of Mice and Men Creative Assignment #11 The theme of isolation was very important in the novel . I think that Crooks, Curley's Wife and Candy illustrated this theme a lot. I think that Crooks experienced the most loneliness in the novel mainly because he was black. He illustrates his loneliness by being very defensive of his small shed next to the barn because it was all he had and he was not allowed to go anywhere else. Curley's wife was also very lonely because she was the only female at the ranch. She illustrated her loneliness by expressing it a lot in the novel , like when she said "I never get to talk to nobody I get awful lonely". It shows that she gets very lonely because all the men are working and she stays home by herself with no one to talk to. Candy is isolated after the loss of his hand because he is not able to work with the other men and is just a swamper . Once his dog is shot he thinks that he has nothing else because that was his best friend. E was lonely that he was willing to move out of the ranch with George and Lennie. The author wants us to know that there are different types of ways to be lonely some people could look fine but are very lonely in the inside because they don't have a specific person to talk to.

Monday, November 25, 2019


Inversion INSTRUMENTS DE COBRAMENT INSTRUMENTS DE COBRAMENTEfectiu/MetÂÆ' l‚Â ·lic: es habitual en les operacions de venda que el comerÂÆ'Â § detallista realitza amb el consumidor final. Quan cobrem en efectiu tenim de fer una justificaciÂÆ'Â ³ de pagament que es el rebut. L'efectiu ÂÆ'Â ©s l'actiu mÂÆ'Â ©s lÂÆ'Â ­quid de tots els actius d'una empresa.. El cobrament es fa a 0 dies ja que es immediat. No hi ha cost de cobrament i el punt clau es el ingrÂÆ'Â ©s en un dia.TransferÂÆ'ncia:Targetes:Rebuts normalitzat:Rebuts de descompte:DomiciliaciÂÆ'Â ³ bancÂÆ' ria:Confirming:Factoring:Xec: El xec es un document mercantil que contÂÆ'Â © un manament pur i simple, el lliurador ordena a una entitat financera que pagui a la seva presentaciÂÆ'Â ³ i de forma immediata. En el xec intervenen el lliurador(emet el xec , ordena el pagament i escriu la quantitat que vol pagar), el lliurat(sempre ha de ser una entitat bancaria) , tenidor o prenedor(el cobrador del xec).La valoraciÂÆ'Â ³ del xec es fa de 0-2 dies. El seu cost es la comissiÂÆ'Â ³ del banc cap al que emet el xec i el seu punt clau es que es cobra el mateix dia que es rep el xec.Lletra de canvi: Es un instrument de cobrament que no estÂÆ' generat per una entitat financera, sinÂÆ'Â ³ per una persona fÂÆ'Â ­sica o jurÂÆ'Â ­dica. El lliurador obliga a pagar al lliurat, en la data i lloc indicat. Es el lliurador qui emet la lletra de canvi(iniciativa). El lliurador te de pagar un cos per emetre la lletra de canvi que depent del import d'aquesta, a continuaciÂÆ'Â ³ o podem veure.Per acabar, dir que el punt clau de la lletra de canvi es que es transmet de persona a persona i que es pot domiciliar al banc perquÂÆ' es pugui exercir el cobrament automÂÆ' tic en el compte...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Managment assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Managment assignment - Essay Example It is fair to say that in some instances, it gives true reflection of an individual whereas in other case it exaggerates the character traits of an individual. It is however good way of self-evaluation. About the results of my test, most of the findings here are true about me. I generally tend to prefer introverts to extroverts and that is clearly reflected in the 11% score that I got on preference of introversion over extraversion. I naturally pay more attention to the dynamics of the information I received over the one that I sense with my five senses. I have to study to clearly grasp some events, I am also very adventures, always looking to explore new horizons. So on that front, the 25% of moderate preference of intuition over sensing is fully justified. I don’t have any preferences when it comes to choosing between thinking and feeling. I take both of them more less the same way. The 33% that I got in my preference of judging over perceiving is pretty accurate. I have a weakness of judging situations rather just perceiving them in one way or the other. It is safe to say am a social guy who loves fun and is outgoing. My generosity is also quite evident in my day to day life. I think honestly that I can do remarkably well in a career where this traits are vital like for instance events coordination, nursing, fundraising, conflict resolution and mediation and performing arts like music. My leadership would more or less consultative and consensus seeking. It would be the type of leadership where people work harmonious with minimum friction or conflict. I tolerate ambiguity to a certain level that is not so detrimental. Am definitely a type B person because I not so ambition and aggressive as other are. I also take things a little slower giving a little thought. I am not overly bothered by stiff competition or high risk. This type of personality will

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

What roles do religions play in Appiah's analysis How is your approach Essay

What roles do religions play in Appiah's analysis How is your approach similar to or different from his - Essay Example Let me highlight that most people have always sought the assistance of religion when cumbered with spiritual and social problems. This paper will therefore give a vivid explanation of Appiah’s story. Appiah has given a vibrant explanation of importance of religion. The following are the importance of religion according to Appiah. I will keenly observe the points raised by Appiah. In so doing I will criticize, such points to ascertain whether they are true. The importance of kingship is highlighted by Appiah to be very important. The arrival of the king at the palace is described as horrific. It is noted that the king wore quill of porcupine looking like a worrier ready to devour. In this way, the importance of the king in the Asante kingdom is very significant. This shows that kingship plays an integral part of Asante religion. Appiah highlights that when the king arrived, everyone remained standing until the king settled on the throne. This shows that the people had high degr ee of respect for their king (Furness 2009). The importance of modern religion has been highlighted in Appiah’s story. He was able to notice the picture of the king greeting the pope on the wall of the palace. This shows that the Asante people had respect and value for God. In this way, people are seen to have their own freedom of worship. Appiah has also highlighted that modernity has intruded in to acts of religion in the kingdom. In this case, most people have tried to embrace modernity. This has weakened the contemporary Asante religion. Appiah has noted that intrusion of western culture and way of life has tended to weaken the native Asante culture and religion (Kepler 2011). Appiah has highlighted vividly that religion is meant to unite people. For instance, people of Asante kingdom were seen to be united by this factor. They had common places for their worship. It has been noted that most people have embraced modern ways of religion. Most of the Asante elites are Catho lics. Modern religion has resulted in unity of different people. In this case, people are able to work together as a team. I must highlight that I have agreed with Appiah statement on unity. In fact, the ultimate reason for religion is to foster unity among different people (Schieman 2011). This is because people from different backgrounds always come together to worship one GOD. Another importance of religion is to foster growth and development among the people. Appiah has highlighted that missionaries came to transform Africa. Through their new religion, they brought Christianity. In this case, most Africans were able to condemn their native way of life. The rise of Pentecostal messengers has even developed this view farther. The Pentecostal preachers are currently challenging the churches and condemning the old rites of idolatrous. This shows that religion is responsible for condemning of vices in the society (Anthony 2011). The preaching of the bible is based on the Ten Commandm ents that are meant to guide people on their relationship with GOD and others. Religion has a role for ensuring spiritual fulfillment. It is important to note that Appiah highlights that different people always need different conditions for spiritual fulfillment. In this case, such people can no more exist better in the same moral as compared to the manner plants can exist in same physical and climate. I have to agree with Appiah that spiritual fulfillment is always achieved through religion. This is the reason most people with different problems always go to church. In fact, nowadays, most people believe that their problems can be solved through prayers rather than traditional and cultural interventions. The increase in the number of people who go to

Monday, November 18, 2019

Substance Abuse Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Substance Abuse - Coursework Example In relation to Miller family document, Sam Miller, who is 50 years old, is experiencing alcoholic characteristic signs and symptoms that have both biological and psychological significance. Sam is divorced and is estranged from both the son and the ex-wife. He equally has a long history of work and legal problems that are instigated by his drinking habit. According to the family history of Sam Miller, neither the father nor the mother is alcoholics and the same can be said to the grandparents. It is thus evident that the alcoholism as portrayed by Sam is not genetically acquired. Nevertheless, environmental factors can work in synergy to influence alcoholism in an individual, like peers one associate with and the nature of one’s work (Krohn, 2013). Having begun abusing alcohol at an early age, Sam has become dependent on the substance, thus has had profound implication to his life making him be termed as a social failure. Beginning consumption of alcohol at an early stage of life leads to addiction to the drug followed by dependence. When one depends on drug, he/she becomes inefficiently functional in the absence of the drug, thus the fact that Sam Miller began consuming alcohol at an earlier stage in life has increased the dependency on alcohol. Brunetti, M., Di Tizio, L., Dezi, S., Pozzi, G., Grandinetti, P., & Martinotti, G. (2012). Aripiprazole, alcohol and substance abuse: A review. European Review for Medical and Pharmacological

Friday, November 15, 2019

The islamic idea of death

The islamic idea of death In The Name Of Allah The Beneficent The Merciful In this essay I would like to talk about death. I will define death according to the general understanding as well as the Islamic definition. I will use Quranic Verses along with some Hadith to prove the certainty of death. Then I will describe and present the Islamic idea of death. I will describe the process of death, what occurs after death and what happens to the soul. I will conclude by describing how the remembrance of death is important and how it should affects the thoughts and ideas of a Muslim and causes him to act ethically in this life. Death is defined as the termination of the biological functions of the body[1]. In Islam it refers to the separation of the soul from the body by the Angel of Death. Death is the only certainty in life. It can occur at any moment no matter whether you are 9 or 90. There is no guarantee when we wake up in the morning that we will see the evening or when we go to sleep that we will see the morning. We have a fixed time on the earth and once it is up it cannot be extended. Wherever you may be, death will overtake you, even though you were in lofty towers.[2] The above verse shows that we will have to face death at some point. It is a certainty and it will occur. There is no hiding place not even in high towers. There is no cure for death. What happens after death is unknown because no one has returned to tell us about it. This is why man busies himself in the worldly affairs. He believes it will make him immortal but it is only a distraction for him. The Quran says: Rivalry in worldly increase distracts you. Until you come to the graves.[3] I would like to state the example of Fir Awn[4] for those who believe their wealth will bring them immortality. Here is a man who had power and wealth so much so that he claimed Divinity. Where is he now? His body is in a museum in Cairo. He claimed to be God but look at him now. Fir Awn drowning, in his last moments, tries to accept Islam but it is far too late and his repentance is rejected. This is a harsh warning to those who think they can accept Islam or repent while on their death beds. The Quran mentioned that his body would be preserved. But this day We save you in your body that you may be a Sign for those after you. Most of Mankind are heedless of Our Signs.[5] A Hadith[6] warns us about a man who did not do a single good deed but at the time of death he was so fearful he thought he could escape ALLAH (SWT) by telling his children to burn his body and scatter his ashes across different lands and oceans. ALLAH (SWT) was still able to resurrect him[7]. It does not matter how you die or what condition your body is in. If you did not have a burial your soul will be placed in the ground where you took your last breath. Every soul will taste of death. Then to Us you will be returned.[8] Even the Prophets, the best of mankind, had to taste death. The Prophet Ibrahim[9] (AS)[10] was reluctant stating a friend does not take the life of his friend. ALLAH[11] (SWT)[12] told Izrail[13] to say a friend does not refuse the invitation to meet his friend. Upon hearing this, the Prophet Ibrahim (AS) submitted to ALLAH (SWT) one final time[14]. What a way of looking at death as going to meet your Friend! The Prophet Musa[15] (AS) also did not wish to die and ended up punching Izrail so hard; one of his eyeballs fell out. Izrail reported this to ALLAH (SWT) who restored his eye and told him to tell the Prophet Musa (AS) to place his hand on the back of an ox and that however many hairs he held, he would live for the equivalent number of years and then die. Upon hearing this the Prophet Musa (AS) agreed to die immediately[16]. Muslims believe the Prophet Isa[17] (AS) will return to earth a 2nd time and he will do many miraculous things such as killing the Dajjal.[18] However the main purpose of his return is to fulfil the promise of ALLAH (SWT) in the above verse. The Prophet Isa (AS) has yet to taste death and the idea of crucifixion is heavily rejected in the Quran. Whatever came from the earth must return to the earth meaning we came from dust and we shall return to dust. They slew him not nor crucified him[19] When the Angel of Death comes to collect a soul he does not leave without taking what he came for. The believers soul is removed gently where as the disbelievers soul is ripped out. When the soul of a disbeliever is removed, it is black and has a foul stench where as the believer soul is shining and has a beautiful fragrance. The soul of the believer is handed to the Angels of Mercy who inform him of glad tidings and blessings of his Lord (SWT). The soul of the disbeliever is handed to the Angels of Punishment who curse him and inform of his Lord (SWT)s wrath. The souls are then taken to their respective locations to have their book of deeds registered. Nay, but the record of the vile is in Sijjin[20] Nay, but the record of the righteous is in Illiyin[21] Both souls will at first go up but the disbelievers soul will be thrown down after being rejected entry into Heaven and then is taken to Sijjin which is either in the vicinity of or close proximity to Hell and is a dreadful place. The believers soul is admitted into Paradise where it is greeted by the angels and inhabitants who wish peace. It is taken up to the 7th Heaven going through each Heaven with all inhabitants and Angels accompanying it until it reaches Illiyin. Once registration is complete, the believing soul is greeted by ALLAH (SWT)! What a great honour! It is then unclear what happens to the soul while waiting to return to the body. In Islam, it is recommended to perform the funeral as soon as possible, on the same day if possible because the soul is returned to the body before the funeral. This does not mean a return to life but simply that the soul resides in the body and is able to see and hear happenings but unable to communicate or perform any action. At the site of the graveyard, the soul will be able to sense the Angels but they will not approach whilst the relatives are there. The soul will cry out but to no avail. No one is able to help any more. Once the burial is completed, slowly everyone disperses, as the last relative leaves the soul will hear the footsteps departing. Now the Angels will descend and the questioning will begin. The 3 questions will be: Who is your Lord?[22] What is your religion?[23] Who is your Prophet?[24] The answers may seem obvious now but at that moment it will be extremely difficult especially when faced with the sight of two tremendous Angels. Only a true believer will be able to answer correctly and his grave will be made a place of rest and comfort. A disbeliever will not be able to answer and thus the Punishment of the Grave will begin[25]. This is ones individual judgement but does not necessarily determine whether one will enter Heaven or Hell as the Punishment of the Grave may be a process of purification especially for Muslims who were sinners so that they may receive the Forgiveness and Mercy on the Last Day. Having answered correctly, the believer will be shown a vision of Hell which he is safe from and then a door to Heaven will be opened so that he may enjoy the sights and smells. His grave will be lit and expanded for him and his good deeds will be personified into a handsome young man to keep him company until The Day Of Judgement. On the other hand, a disbeliever will be shown a vision of Heaven which he will never enter and a door to Hell will be opened so that he may have a preview of the torment to come. His grave will be constricted until his ribs are crushed and his evil deeds are personified as a vile ugly old man and the Angels of Punishment will strike him with hammers and other Punishments will occur until The Day Of Judgement[26]. The life of this world is but comfort of illusion.[27] This life is just temporary. It has been designed as a test for us to see who remembers ALLAH (SWT) and who is distracted by the dunya[28]. After life in the grave, everyone will be resurrected and receive their final Judgement based on their actions. Blessed is He in Whose hand is the Sovereignty, and, He is Able to do all things. Who has created life and death that He may try you which of you is best in conduct; and He is the Mighty, the Forgiving.[29] The remembrance of death should play a vital part of a Muslims daily life and he should take a portion of his time every day to contemplate on this. He should contemplate the certainty of death and the fact that it could happen anywhere anytime. He should reflect on the events during and after death. He should ponder over the fact that his possessions and property will remain here. By remembering the certainty of death, he will realise how petty and temporal the temptations of this world are. By remembering the fact it could happen instantly it will cause him to repent immediately as he aware of the example of Fir Awn. It will also lessen the inclination to sin as he will not want to die in a state of sin. By reflecting on the process of death, he will be determined to achieve the fate of the righteous soul not that of the evil soul. He will realize how temporary the material things are and spend less time trying to acquire them and focus on the good deeds which will accompany him. I would like to end with a verse of the Quran which we should ponder over. We belong to ALLAH and to Him is our return.[30] Bibliography Sahih Bukhari: Book 4: Volume 55: Hadith 619 Sahih Muslim: Book 37: Hadith 6637 Abu Dawud: Book 40: Hadith 4735 Azimabadi, B. (2001) Stories Of The Holy Prophets Lahore: Talha Publications Emerick, Y. (2002) The Complete Idiots Guide To Understanding Islam New York: Beach Book Productions Hadimi M. Emrullah A. (2001). Ethics Of Islam. (3rd Ed). Istanbul: Waqf Ikhlas Publications. Pickthall, M.M. (2006). The Meaning Of The Glorious Quran. (Revised Edition). Birmingham: I.D.C.I. Toropov B. Buckles L. (2004). The Complete Idiots Guide To World Religions New York: Beach Brook Productions. 14/12/09 [1] Wikipedia [2] 4:78 [3] 102:1,2 [4] Fir Awn was the Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt who opposed the Prophet Musa (AS) [5] 10:92 [6] Saying or action or approval of the Prophet (SAW) [7] Sahih Muslim [8] 29:57 [9] Abraham [10] Alayhis Salaam = Peace be upon him [11] GOD [12] Subhanahu Wa Taala = Glorious and Exalted is He [13] The Angel Of Death [14] Stories Of The Holy Prophets P:46 [15] Moses [16] Sahih Bukhari [17] Jesus [18] Anti Christ [19] 4:157 [20] 83:7 [21] 83:18 [22] The only correct answer is ALLAH (SWT) [23] The only correct answer is Islam [24] Every nation was sent a Prophet and each nation must give the name of its own Prophet. Previous nations answers would include Prophet Musa (AS) or Prophet Isa (AS) but since the advent of the last final Prophet in Arabia, the only acceptable answer from the 7th Century onwards is Prophet Mohammed (SAW) [25] Abu Dawud [26] Understanding Islam P:60 [27]3:185 [28] World [29] 67:1,2 [30] 2:156

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Analysis of Poe’s The Raven Essay -- Poe Raven Essays

The first two stanzas of The Raven introduce you to the narrator, and his beloved maiden Lenore.   You find him sitting on a â€Å"dreary† and dark evening with a book opened in front of him, though he is dozing more than reading.   Suddenly, he hears knocking on his door, but only believes it to be a visitor nothing more.   He remembers another night, like this one, where he had sought the solace of his library to forget his sorrows of his long lost beloved, and to wait for dawn.   Meanwhile the tapping on his door continues.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Poe’s most famous poem begins with an imagery that immediately brings the reader into a dark, cold, and stormy night.   Poe does not wish for his readers to stand on the sidelines and watch the goings on, but actually be in the library with the narrator, hearing what he hears and seeing what he sees.   Using words and phrases such as â€Å"midnight dreary† and â€Å"bleak December† Poe sets the mood and tone, by wanting his readers to feel the cold night and to reach for the heat of the â€Å"dying embers† of the fireplace.   You do not come into this poem thinking daffodils and sunshine, but howling winds and shadows.   By using these words, Poe gives you the sense of being isolated and alone.   He also contrasts this isolation, symbolized by the storm and the dark chamber, with the richness of the objects in the library.   The furnished room also reminds him of the beauty of his lost Lenore.   Al so, Poe uses a rhythm in his beginning stanza, using â€Å"tapping†, followed by â€Å"rapping, rapping at my door†, and ending with â€Å"tapping at my chamber door.†Ã‚   You can almost hear the tapping on the door of the library as ... ...e opens the door.   When he found himself opening the door, he saw nothing but darkness.   And this is the point where he figures that there is nothing out there.   I think the reason Poe was so afraid, reflects back on Lenore.   I understood Lenore to be Poe’s love at some point in his life.   He’s been so depressed, that all he thinks about is her, but then again, he is also trying to forget about her at the same time.  Ã‚  Ã‚   And when he first heard the sounds of rustling, he might of thought it could be the spirit of Lenore.   I think this was the reason for him to have been so afraid.   Poe drew a lot of his ideas and images into his own imagination.   And the images he had of Lenore, was not making him feel any better.   I think that most of Poe’s thoughts and feelings all came from his mind, and not his heart.